About Nic

Life coach for an inspired and happy life

"When you start to see who you are and what your desires are about, you can get your own life back on the right course. "

Hi, I am Nic, life coach for an inspired and happy life. It motivates me tremendously to help people who experience a difficult time in their lives and are struggling with mental and physical complaints and are in their heads a lot, to feel again and get more in touch with themselves.

In my practice Home Affair, my orientation is; living from loss and transforming it into an animated life. Also, my own movements in life often originate from a loss or grief experience. Every coaching question often has some form of loss in it.

My personal coaching is aimed at helping you gain insight into what makes you truly happy, not how things should or must be done, but to live a spirited and happy life without mental and physical complaints, in connection with yourself and your loved ones.

Nic Thuisvaart
Nic Thuisvaart 2

Who is Nic?

  • HBO coach training
  • Entrepreneur since 1990
  • Coached hundreds of clients
  • Developed a vision on happy and inspired living and grieving
  • Born in Lisse (1962)
    Living and practicing in Noordwijkerhout
  • Married with Stephan
  • Father of Sam, Luke, Timo and Joep
  • Many loss experiences transformed into life experiences

This is what others say about Thuisvaart

Persoonlijke begeleiding bij jouw leven

Would you like to meet without obligation?

During the introductory meeting we see if there is a good match and discuss your wishes and expectations. We discuss the working method and there is enough room to ask questions, so that together we can make a good decision about the cooperation.

Book a meeting via the button below.

The website will be translated into English in 2023.

Are you straight or do you identify yourself within the lhbtiq+ community?

I work with people and love human beings beyond their gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

It’s you I’m interested in, whoever you are, regardless of any color or form.

You are very Welcome here.

With love, Nic