Grief counseling for a spirited and happy life

I support you in dealing with a major event so that you can live an inspired and happy life without physical and mental symptoms.

Rouwbegeleiding voor een beziel en gelukkig leven

Does a profound loss have an impact, causing you to experience symptoms in daily life?

When you experience a drastic loss, it can have a lasting impact on your daily life. Complaints such as sleeping badly, feeling nervous and agitated, worrying a lot, a short fuse occur regularly. It can sometimes even feel like a stone is resting on your chest or that you are experiencing cotton wool in your head. You wonder if you should just accept these symptoms.

As a grief counselor I guide you in processing these events, so that your mental and physical symptoms diminish and you can eventually return to a spirited and happy life.

Grief occurs because we have to miss something very meaningful

Grieving is the way of dealing with grief and loss.
Often the death of a loved one or pet is considered.
But grieving is more than that. Consider the following events as well:

The person you love makes different choices and leaves you.
The loss of a business or job you’ve put your heart and soul into for years
Health problems cause your view of your future to fall apart completely

Grieving is the process of missing something, or someone who is dear to you, and means a lot to you. The grieving process is acknowledging and transforming your grief and frustration. And that means “grief work,” because it is real work.

I help you accelerate this process and is an opportunity to change “the lack,” allowing you to see new perspectives and use them to give meaning to your life.

Nic Thuisvaart 2
Nic Rouwbegeleiding

I am Nic, life coach for an inspired and happy life

Life showed me that when you experience a major event and go through a difficult time in your life, it eventually becomes light. I had lost connection with myself because of this. Thought with my head and no longer with my heart. I have now found the connection with myself and lead a spirited and happy life.

This motivates me enormously to help people who also experience a difficult time in their lives, who struggle with mental and physical complaints and who spend a lot of time in their heads, to feel again and to get more in touch with themselves.

My personal guidance is aimed at helping you gain insight into what really makes you happy, not how things should or must be done, but to live a spirited and happy life without mental and physical complaints, in connection with yourself.

Core session

In the core session it becomes clear what you are struggling with, what you want to get rid of and where you want to go. After the core session we decide together whether we will continue with each other over the course of six months or a year.

Personal coaching

6 of 12 months

If we conclude together that we are a match, you choose whether you want 6 months or one year of personal coaching from me

This is what other say about Thuisvaart

Nic van Thuisvaart

Prefer to meet without obligation first?

During the introductory meeting we see if there is a good match and discuss your wishes and expectations. We discuss the working method and there is enough room to ask questions, so that together we can make a good decision about the cooperation.

Book a meeting via the button below.

The website will be translated into English in 2023.

Are you straight or do you identify yourself within the lhbtiq+ community?

I work with people and love human beings beyond their gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

It’s you I’m interested in, whoever you are, regardless of any color or form.

You are very Welcome here.

With love, Nic